Logiscope Academy has been founded with a Mission, To be the pioneer in specialized industrial curriculum training and contribute to build ambitious and strongly focused workforce in logistics with professional skills and practical knowledge to make talent employable.

Logistics industry offers exciting opportunities with challenging roles and great career for the aspirants. For a successful career in this industry, there is no absolute need to invest in many years of graduation.

Shipping & Logistics is a ‘Global Industry’ and there is a immense need for qualified talent at all levels. Currently, companies are keen to recruit candidates who have invested their interest in this industry and have completed domain specific certification (or) has industry experience. Logiscope certification comes with an value and our curriculum is recognized across industry. Every certified individual will also have their certification online with Logiscope for lifelong which can be validated by any employer for employment verification purpose.


Many of the university graduates doesn’t even know this industry deeply. The scope of supply chain management and operations is very extensive, and not every company necessarily has the same approach to it. Therefore, there are no real defined supply chain career paths—but this is a good thing, because your career can take you anywhere between (3 PL, 4PL, 4.5PL, Operations, Customer Services, Documentation, Planning, Finance & Accounting.

The significance of this industry is that once you get in, your expertise area is likely to expose you to the broader practices and principles of supply chain management. You can opt to generalize or specialize, work in operations management, Ops planning, or a supporting function like inside sales or finance, and still gain the necessary knowledge over time to enable a sideways move or promotion into a different supply chain area. If you already know that you aspire to pursue your career in logistics, but are not sure what role you want,. Logiscope certification guides you in the right direction and most appropriate career path to choose.


Ocean Transport Management

  • Important factors taught on the preparation of OBL, HBL
  • Complete process of issuing draft to end customers and seeking approvals
  • Shipping instructions submission process with carriers for MBL
  • Most common mistakes done while preparing the darft(s) and revenue impact due to that
  • IMCO Cargo – Documentation check list(s)
  • Pre-Alerts process in logistics
  • How to interpret an commercial invoice and packing list
  • Where do forwarders makes money in forwarding
  • What is provisional costing & revenue ?
  • Customer level invoice creation
  • Methods & mechanisms to follow up on bills and draft(s)
  • Surrending of original MBL from shipping liner

Road Transport Management

  • What is OTD
  • What activities goes in to ensure OTD
  • Understand ” Milk Run” and how this term is used across industry
  • Correspondence Exchange – Important Activity
  • What eRP platforms used in transport operations
  • How transport company efficiency is measured
  • Parties involved for point to point cargo move overs
  • Customs and Declarations

Air Transport Management

  • Commercial invoice & packing list
  • Letter of credit ( L/C)
  • Self Declaration Form (SDF)
  • Correspondence Exchange – Important Activity
  • Licences, Quote Proof(s), when they are demanded by customs.
  • Registered exporters proof
  • Common mistakes done in Air-Documentation which leads to carrier penalties.
  • Destination clearence
  • How airline rates are procured and masterised
  • Who are the services aggregators
  • Important airport activities

Customs / Filings & Procedures

  • Role of customs
  • Why customs clearence is required
  • Why procedures varies from country to country ?
  • General logistics conditions from customs
  • Amendments & Penalties
  • Manifestation Process
  • Liabilities from logistics companies
  • Duty payments and procedures
  • EDI portals and role of technology in customs
  • Documents of goods and authentications and procedures

Shipping Lines & Vendor Management

  • Role of shipping liner
  • How logistics companies works with shipping lines
  • Documentation required to work with liners
  • Services provided by shipping lines
  • Penalties & Clauses from shipping lines
  • DG Cargo Guideliness from shipping lines
  • How invoices are paid to shipping lines
  • Who are the other vendors and their involvement in complete logistics processes ?
  • Each party role and what do they deliver ?
  • Documentation process for these parties

Customer Services / Inside Sales

  • Role of inside sales, what do they do, how they generate revenue for the business?
  • What is enquiry management and quotation process?
  • How bookings are won after sending quotations?
    Elements in quotation?
  • Arranging cargo pickup in CS job
  • Activities customer service responsible in logistics
  • Role of communication skills in customer service jobs