Why Choose Logiscope

Learn why choosing Logiscope as your training partner makes business sense for you

With globalization, logistics is expected to play an increasing role in driving
the Indian economy. According to Deloitte, India has a demographic advantage but the availability of appropriately skilled manpower remains a challenge. This is particularly so in the logistics sector as it is seen more as a support industry than a mainline one. Lack of skilled manpower is the result of inadequate training and proper support.  Logiscope helps you

  • Reduce skills gap that exists with final year college students aspiring to build a career in Shipping & Logistics.
  • Get skilled candidates with the required knowledge of the logistics domain and become an industry-ready talent.

Our Leadership

Venkatraman Rajaram

Co Founder & Chief Strategy Officer

He has over 15 years of experience in Client Relationship Management, Business Operations and Strategies and Risk Management. Solving Business Challenges in a way to build and maintain relationships and partnerships.

Thriving to strengthen and uplift the business ideas with excellent interpersonal, communication, Product development, Leadership and team building skills.